Elmcrest Bids for Kids

Elmcrest on-line auction

...more items being added every day so check back often!

Every child deserves a shot at a bright future.  That's why Elmcrest focuses on helping children facing the most significant life challenges.

Every Bids for Kids item is donated by someone who cares about the children Elmcrest serves.  So when you place a bid, you're not just boosting your chances of winning a great prize.  You're also bringing hope to children who need it the most.

Don't see an item you like?  Please hit the donate button below.


Bids for Kids - Elmcrest On-Line Auction

960 Salt Springs Road
Syracuse New York, 13224

5/17/2023 1:00 AM

Have questions? Please contact us!

Elmcrest Children's Center

Thank you for your support!

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