Champaign-Urbana Pride Fest 2021 Online Auction

Bid to support Uniting Pride's year-round programming!

Thanks so much for visiting our Pride Fest 2021 online auction website!

Stay tuned for all the amazing items local businesses and community members have donated!

The auction opens for bidding at 4pm on Friday, Sept 24th!

And closes promptly at 5:30pm on Sunday, Sept 26th!

Create a free account now by clicking Register so you're all ready to go when it's time.

You don't want to miss out!

Consider giving a donation using the yellow Donate button below on this site or click here:

Check out this year's Pride Fest programming on our website here:

Thanks for the support and HAPPY PRIDE!

Have questions? Please contact us!

Uniting Pride of Champaign County

Thank you for your support!