Tenino Young-at-Heart Theatre

A Charity Auction Event

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Tenino Young-at-Heart Theatre cultivates community, builds relationships, and promotes individual growth through the joy of theatre.

TYT is a staple in the Tenino community, having just celebrated our 30-year anniversary! Our theatre program provides a safe, educational, and creative space for people of all ages. As many other local programs, we have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. But in the spirit of theatre, our dreams live on. We hope to build a neighborhood theatre of our very own. For decades, our theatre has provided quality productions and connection through the arts in our small town. And our goal is to make that dream a permanent fixture in the community.

Your support of our theatre means the world to us. 

Click here to make a direct donation.

Have questions? Please contact us!

Tenino Young-at-Heart Theatre

Thank you for your support!

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