ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter Heart of Gold Auction

A fundraiser supporting outstanding scholars in STEM fields

About ARCS Honolulu Chapter

ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) works to advance science in America by supporting outstanding graduate students in science, engineering, and health fields. The Honolulu Chapter has awarded more than $2 million in ARCS Scholar Award grants to 600+ young scientists who seek to understand our world, improve our lives, protect our environment and create new technologies.

Auction Tips

VIEW ITEMS: Use the pulldown menu above to browse by category or see all offerings.

PLACE YOUR BID: Register (if you are a first time user) or Log In (if you already have an account) using the button at top right of this page or when prompted on item pages.
Check back to bid up, or set your highest bid for automatic increases.
You will be notified if you have the winning bid.

WHEN IT'S TIME TO PAY: Follow instructions to check out with PayPal, or mail a check. You will be contacted concerning delivery arrangements.

NEED HELP BIDDING? Contact with your name, phone number and best time to call.

DON'T SEE ANYTHING YOU WANT? Make a direct donation to support ARCS Scholars via PayPal or our website. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law; consult your tax advisor.

Learn more About ARCS

Visit our website at or contact us at

Donate Directly

Donate via the PayPal Giving Fund at

ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Outrigger Canoe Club

2909 Kalakaua Ave.
Honolulu , 96815

2/13/2023 11:30 AM

Have questions? Please contact us!

ARCS Honolulu Chapter

Thank you for your support!

ARCS Honolulu Chapter