GPS Silent Auction 2021


Global Perinatal Services provides community-based doula services and early parenting support to refugee, immigrant and African American families. The pandamic has affected all of us in various ways and the communits we serve are no exception. Most of the communites we serve are in the services sectro and were the folks who were affected the most with the Covid 19 virus. We showed up with for our families in this time of need by staying with them apply to unemployment when stagger number of them were layed off from work. We help them navigate the very changing hospital policies; we stayed with thorughout their labor and delivery; and helped provide them baby ites such as diapers and wipes when most store were out. We helped create parent support groups so that parents could get a chance to mingle and communicate with other parents and not feel along in navigating online schooling. 


The work we do is very vital for our communities and we need support from people like you so that we continue doing this work and continue giving children an opportunity to reach their full potential. 

Have questions? Please contact us!

Global Perinatal Services

Thank you for your support!