Special Christmas Auction

Online Silent Auction

This proceeds from this auction benefit NASH kNOWledge. Thank you very much for your support. 

We are especially grateful to our amazing sponsor and donor, Bannon Communications. 

About NASH kNOWledge

NASH kNOWledge is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation based in Pittsburgh, PA that was established in 2018 by liver transplant recipient to increase public awareness and provide education of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH). We are deteremined to help others avoid the fate of our founder (who experienced NAFLD progressing to NASH, Cirrhosis, then Liver Cancer) by making the public aware of the potential consequences of non-alcoholic liver disease.

Key Accomplishments

Founded in late 2018, NASH kNOWledge has many accomplishments, below are a highlight of our accomplishments:

  • Produced a documentary "Silent Epidemic: the liver disease NASH" that aired on PBS in 2019 and 2020
  • Developed a variety of educational materials (in English & Spanish) aimed at the general public and those newly diagnosed with NAFLD or NASH
  • Created animated children's videos (Spanish language versions soon to be released) and other educational materials aimed at parents and children focused on understanding the functions of the liver and hte importance of good liver health
  • Participated in discussions with political leaders regarding liver health legislation 
  • Established and adminster support group for liver patients and caregivers
  • Spoke at various industry and company events as well as health fairs
  • Utilize social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok to disseminate educational information
  • All materials are available at www.nash-now.org
  • You can also visit our supplementary site focused on family health for a healthy liver at www.love-your-liver.org 

Have questions? Please contact us!

NASH kNOWledge

Thank you for your support!

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