Personal Color Analysis

# 98 Online Item

US $340.00 Retail Value
US $ 150.00 Opening Bid
US $ 20.00 Min. Bid Increment


Color is a powerful tool when creating a wardrobe you love! How can having a personalized color palette make a difference? Ginger Burr can teach you. Ginger is a recognized leader in personal color analysis (she was even quoted in the September 2021 issue of Allure Magazine's ‘Ask the Beauty Expert’ column).

In this virtual consultation, Ginger will identify 70-100 colors (from over 2,000 colors) that will make you shine and you'll receive a beautiful handmade color palette 2 weeks later.
• Knowing what colors look great on you makes it easier to get dressed.
• You feel amazing because the colors complement you!
• It reduces that overwhelming feeling when you shop because you can confidently ignore colors that don’t work.
• When you wear your best colors your wardrobe will mix and match more easily.

Additional Information

Winners will be notified after June 8th about shipping and pick-up options for their items. Shipping charges may apply.

Gift certificates will be emailed or mailed.

Uncommon Threads

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