Kirtland's Warbler Auction

Help secure the future of the Kirtland's Warbler!

Meet the Kirtland's Warbler, a rare warbler that nests almost exclusively in Michigan and has fought its way back from the brink of extinction. This bird has very particular nesting habits - jack pine trees between 5-20 years old - once naturally reseeded through wildlife. As people moved into the jack pine landscape and fire was controlled, the warbler population declined to just 167 breeding pairs. Adding to the warbler's plight, chick survival was reduced significantly from the threat of the Brown-headed cowbird. With successful partnerships, caring people and putting intensive habitat programs in place; the population of the Kirtland's Warbler has rebounded to more than 2,000 pairs today. The species is now poised to move off the Endangered Species List - the goal for any species listed - and away from the protections provided by legislation. This is the right next step BUT the Kirtland's Warbler is a conservation-reliant species - meaning IT STILL NEEDS PEOPLE. A call to action: With your bid and support today, you will ensure that the Kirtland's Warbler has the habitat and protection from threats that it needs to survive. Your bid means that future generations will be able to see one of North America's rarest songbirds.

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Huron Pines

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