Guadalupe Hope Society Silent Auction 2022

Early Bird Online Bidding: The auction continues in-person at the event!

Click on the "All Items" tab above to view our silent auction items!  This site is for online bidding before the event on Sat, October 29th at 5:30 pm at St. Francis Cabrini Essig Hall

The online option for early bids will be closed an hour prior to the dinner!


The bidding continues live and in-person and at the dinner!  Winners will be announced that night!

Help us spread the word by sharing the link to this silent auction! Thank you for helping us sow hope by spreading hands-on, practical, face-to-face support for women, their unborn children and their families! 

Virtual Event

100 O'Connor Drive, Suite 1
San Jose California, 95128

10/29/2022 5:30 PM

Have questions? Please contact us!

Guadalupe Hope Society

Thank you for your support!

Guadalupe Hope Society Guadalupe Hope Society Hearts of Love Bookstore Schaper Company Zanottos Markets