SVG File-02

Find the right items for your auction

We want to help you raise more money by procuring custom-tailored packages from

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Make the most out of your fundraising event

We partner with (no affiliation) to offer our organizations the best risk-free vacations, experiences, items, and jewelry for successful auction fundraising.

Together, we help nonprofits maximize fundraising at their auction events. We also provide nonprofits with a free AI-powered Donor Intelligence Report to help organizations "smart-source" items for fundraising events.​

There are zero upfront costs, so there is no risk to your organization. You only pay the wholesale price for what sells at your event and keep the profit - it's that simple.

BiddingOwl is not part of BiddingOwl only links to its services from the website. 

Run Your Free AI-Powered Donor Intelligence Report

Know your Bidders and "Smart-Source" Items

Get a FREE customized report for your donor audience in less than 5 minutes.  This report will provide the insights and guidance you need to build a fundraiser with items and price points that are desirable and relevant for your unique audience. 


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Explore curated items

There are zero upfront costs, so there is no risk to your organization. You only pay the wholesale price for what sells at your event and keep the profit - it's that simple. BiddingOwl is not part of We only link to its services from the website.

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