Kindred Transcendent Souls Auction

Thanks for Supporting Our Public Art Project!

Burning Man 2017

With Nicole Martin's vision and help from local Truckee-Tahoe-Reno experts, Kindred Art & Fok Institute students and volunteers, we have started to build the structure for this public art sculpture that will debut at Burning Man. We are so grateful for the community's support, including our auction donors. We need additional funding to fully complete its vision, so please bid on these terrific items.

Project Overview~
“When your heart aligns with the truth of its energy, gratitude sings your name, love flows freely, and every bit of your being is awakened, breathing and moving in perfect harmony.” ― Angie Karan

Inspired by a Dream~ We souls evolve in a predictable way, and the map for our journey is written within our very DNA. If you understand the essential meanings and messages embedded within each chakra, you’ll understand the evolutionary steps each soul takes on its way to Remembering Who It Is.

“Transcendent Souls” represents the stages  of our soul growth. This piece tells the story of our existence through the seven stages of our evolutionary map and gives a visual representation to knowing enlightenment and ultimately unconditional love. The piece will stand 16' tall and be 12' in circumference. 

"Transcendent Souls" will be made of  steel, foamcore, copper casting, glass and solar for the electrical components inside of the heart/flame. Underneath the piece spectators will be able to experience Transcendent Souls from another perspective; with a large porch type swing that will be mounted/hung from the two main tree trunks. In addition to the swing we will ask participants to pick out a small piece of quartz to place at the base of the installation with the intention of forming a crystal grid for the piece. This will allow soul gazers to become part of the creation.

Kindred would like to thank the community and art partners who have generously donated their time, money and expertise so far. Together, we can do this.

Read About Us in the Tahoe Weekly

Kindred Art and Folk Institute a 501c(3) has been proudly serving the Truckee/Tahoe community since 2011 in a space that inspires the mind, body and soul; by offering classes and events for all ages and never turning anyone away because of financial hardship. With a mission to Provide the skills and knowledge necessary for an empowered life through arts, natural history, environmental and contemporary strategies for sustainable living. Kindred’s vision supports Tahoe/Truckee community by engaging families and individuals in creative, meaningful and sustainable educational opportunities while inspiring lifelong learning opportunities.

Have questions? Please contact us!

Kindred Art and Folk Institute

Thank you for your support!

Artech Linchpin Structural Engineering Truckee Tahoe Lumber Company Burgess Martin Inc Jones Snowboards