Morbid Anatomy Museum Gala Auction

enter a pre-bid before the Silent Auction on April 12th!

This year, we are opening up the Morbid Anatomy Museum Gala Silent Auction to all of our friends and fans, regardless of if your location. Take a look at these unique objects and experiences and bid away.

The auction will end at 10pm (EDT) on April 11th. We will then contact the highest bidders to give them the chance to bid by proxy for the Gala on April 12th.

Your support will go directly towards our programming. The Morbid Anatomy Museum is a 4,200 square foot non-profit institution dedicated to the celebration and exhibition of artifacts, histories and ideas which fall between the cracks of high and low culture, death and beauty, and disciplinary divides.

Have questions? Please contact us!

Morbid Anatomy Museum

Thank you for your support!