IEA Benevolent Fund Auction

Help us raise money to assist IEA members in financial need

Thank you for visiting the IEA Online Auction.

The auction runs from 12:00pm on November 9 to 11:55pm on November 12.

Over the years, we found even at the IEA’s low entry cost, many young riders still cannot afford to join and unfortunately some of our coaches have unexpected hardships during the season.  Thus, we established the IEA Benevolent Fund six years ago. Every year, since its inception, the IEA Fund is exhausted by requests for financial assistance.  As a result, we must transfer operating capital to do as much as we can for as many as possible.

All net proceeds from this auction will go directly into the Benevolent Fund. 

Have questions? Please contact us!

Interscholastic Equestrian Association

Thank you for your support!