Adult Congenital Heart Association

Online Auction

Money raised from this online auction will go to support the mission and important work of the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA).

Nearly one out of 100 babies is born with a heart defect. Many defects are life-threatening and require surgical or catheter intervention in childhood. Today, most children receive congenital heart defect treatment and live to adulthood. This has caused a new, growing population of adults with repaired heart. There are more than 2.5 million adults and children in the U.S. living with CHD, and nearly 2 million are adults. Heart defect surgery or catheter intervention may “cure” the initial defect, but it is now clear that these patients are not “cured;” they are at increased risk of an array of adverse outcomes later in life.

ACHA's mission is to improve and extend the lives of the millions born with heart defects through education, advocacy and promoting research. As the only national nonprofit organization solely dedicated to serving adults with CHD, our mission and programs serve a large and growing underserved patient population in the U.S.  We have a wide and growing range of programs, services and activities. These include patient education through in-person events, online via our website and webinar series, and printed educational handouts; peer-to-peer support and mentoring for patients and family members; regional patient resource groups; national and regional disease awareness campaigns; adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) medical fellowship awards; the ACHA ACHD Accreditation Program; promotion of CHD research; and legislative advocacy. 

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Adult Congenital Heart Association

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